A collaborative lifeline for the arts

Photo: Restart Campaign donor recognition signage at Universal Preservation Hall.
Collaboration is at the center of our artistic presentations. Those on stage, behind the scenes and all who manage our buildings, administrate our programs and lead our non-profit organizations, all work together to entertain, amaze and inspire.
During our pandemic closure, collaboration was at work again as the modest staff that remained kept a watchful eye on the security and maintenance of our historic properties, delivered virtual arts programming, and planned for our future reopening. We were thankfully buttressed by individuals, corporations, and government supporters who made gifts toward our Restart Campaign that ranged from ten dollars to ten million dollars, each aimed at the goal of reopening our three venues. It was the combined strength of the Proctors Collaborative that allowed all to survive.
We have chosen to recognize and thank each and every one of these amazing arts guardian angels on photo triptychs of our student performers and theREP’s On-the-Go actors. These inspirational images are comprised of over 3,000 names of those who saved us from permanent closure and cemented our future. Next time you are in one of our buildings, look for these signs in our lobbies. If you were a donor, find your name and feel our deepest appreciation. If you were not able to be a donor at that time, take a moment to help us thank those who kept the Collaborative alive.