Collaborative Social—Engaging young adults in the arts!

Collaborative Social—Engaging young adults in the arts!

New group will organize programming, education and social opportunities across the Capital Region

SCHENECTADY, N.Y.—MARCH 11, 2019—In an effort to draw more young adults to engage in the arts, Proctors Collaborative is launching a new audience development initiative, Collaborative Social.

Goals of Collaborative Social include eliminating barriers to the arts for adults ages 21–35; introducing members to different types of programming; offering networking opportunities with like-minded individuals; and reducing economic impediments to participation. 

The group will organize programming, education and social opportunities across the Capital Region, as well as encouraging participants to volunteer and engage creatively. The group is not focused on Proctors Collaborative; the objective is to explore all of the arts—visual arts, performing arts, dance, film, music, fashion, food—at institutions across the region.  

Collaborative Social is being coordinated through the marketing department of Proctors Collaborative in conjunction with The Collaborative magazine. 

“We have the resources to launch, nurture and promote the group,” says Jim Murphy, director of marketing and corporate relations and publisher of The Collaborative. “But our real goal is to turn a lot of the decision-making around activities over to members themselves. We’re working with a few individuals now who are genuinely excited about this new organization and informing our direction.”

The group’s first activity, March 30, is a social hour and night of laughter at Proctors with Emmy-winning television writer and stand-up comedian Matt Koff—presented by Pretty Much the Best Comedy Show.

“This is essentially a meet-up for interested individuals to socialize and discuss interest and opportunities,” Murphy says.

Events will be communicated through a Facebook page and The Collaborative magazine, as well as local media and the digital properties of Proctors Collaborative and other arts partners.

Upcoming spring and early summer activities will include a social evening at a museum and a Broadway-themed trivia night. 

“With this public announcement,” Murphy adds, “we’ll reach out to more institutions to develop opportunities and schedule through the fall and winter.”

Long-term plans include developing a regional arts pass for young adults, offering discounts and special access to programming.

For more information, visit the group’s Facebook page, Collaborative Social (
