Collaborative Scene Shop builds pride float for Capital Pride parade

Staff and family and friends of Collaborative participate in Capital Pride Parade and Festival
ROTTERDAM—The Collaborative Scene Shop builds with pride from the ground up. Recently, the creative minds at Proctors Collaborative built an 8×18 ft float for the Albany Pride Parade Sunday, June 9.
The shop, located in Rotterdam Industrial Park, is responsible for building all the sets and props for productions at Capital Repertory Theatre and other projects across Proctors Collaborative.
For its third year participating in the Capital Pride Parade, staff brainstormed a float idea and the Scene Shop built “Marquee Pride;” Upstate Ford Dealers sponsored the participation by providing a truck to pull the trailer.
The Capital Pride Parade and Festival benefit the critical programs and services of the Pride Center of the Capital Region.
EDIA Committee Chair Anthony Torres said, “Proctors Collaborative is a proud sponsor of the annual Capital Pride Parade and Festival. These events are consistent with our mission and values of equity and inclusion in the arts.
We strive to represent the diverse community of the Capital Region and New York State and welcome the challenges and growth that come with that responsibility.”
Based on the Proctors marquee in Schenectady, the float design took about 30 hours to complete. The project was a true collaboration across departments for its allies and community.
Collaborative Scene Shop Director Obadiah Savage said, “Part of this came from the set of a “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and everything was hand-built.”
Proctors Collaborative won the Kaleidoscope Award, for the best use of color at the 2024 Capital Pride Parade and Festival.
The Pride Center of the Capital Region has been serving the LGBTQ community in the Capital Region and beyond for 50+ years. Proctors Collaborative strives to serve as an ally for all.
The Collaborative Scene Shop is a part of Proctors Collaborative.